Our photo software collection contains thousands of photos
designed for teaching language, behavioral rules and
everyday living skills. The CDs are more than just a
collection of photos. They contain premade templates
for common communication tools such as photo schedules and
checklists plus cards for ABA therapy, early intervention,
and picture exchange.
Photo Software CDs available are:
- Picture This Professional
- Visual Essentials
- Visual Foods
- Places You Go, Things You Do
- Functional Living Skills and Behavioral Rules
- School Routines and Rules
Our latest DVD, Visual Suite, contains Picture This
Professional, Visual Essentials, Visual Foods and Places You
Go. Plus keyword searches with thumbnail
Use our Great Action Adventure CD to teach verbs, related
nouns, sign language and beginning reading. This
software uses ABA (applied behavioral analysis), a
systematic teaching method which has been proven to work
well with autistic students. The CD is also great for
any early intervention student who responds well to
distraction-free teaching methods. |
Teaching students to tell time is a lot easier with our
patented Teaching Hands Clock. The hands have
specially-designed loops on the ends to guide the student's
eyes to the correct hour and minute numerals.
In addition to clocks, we also carry the Time Timers which
are a great visual tool for keeping students on task and
Many special ed and autistic students have difficulties
understanding social skills. Our collection of social
skill CDs and DVDs help to demonstrate proper social skills
at home, school and in the community. |
Tying shoes is actually a fairly complicated task, but
when broken down into small steps, it can be mastered by
anyone. Our special laces and board help students to
see where to move and hold the laces. |
From magnet boards to chore charts, we have tools to
help with education and organization. |
Once you've gathered all of the pictures that you need
for teaching and augmentative communication, you will need a
way to display and carry them. We have a wide range of
fabric and wooden photo holders which will hold up to the
rough use of students who like to bend, bite and chew on
photos. |
Our 10-second recorders work well with picture schedules
or for phrases that your student uses frequently. They
can be used for teaching language or for augmentative
communication. |
We offer educational videos for teaching social skills
and early language.
In addition to DVDs for students, we also have DVDs for
teachers and parents looking for new teaching techniques and
visual strategies. |
Our books will help you to learn or improve the visual
strategies that you use with your autistic and special needs
students. Learn how to use photos for behavioral
interventions, picture schedules, independent activity
schedules and academics. |
Need to print visuals now? Check out our new website: Adaptive Worksheets
- Customized Worksheets for Visual Learners
- Flash Cards
- Visuals for Daily Living
Need some ideas about how to use
our software, Check out these videos.
More About Our Products
Use our photo and interactive software to unlock the true
potential of visual learners.
Since 1998 our software products have been helping special needs
individuals to learn language and communicate with photos. All
of our products are designed for students who learn well with
materials which contain clear visuals and prompts.
Our distraction-free photos with plain backgrounds are ideal for
making photo schedules, communication boards and picture exchange
cards. They are also perfect for teaching life skills such as
toilet training, dressing, cooking and chores.
In addition to software, we offer educational materials such as
the Teaching Hands Clock which are designed for students who need
visual prompts.
Our products are ideal for those with autism, brain injury, CP, Down Syndrome,
developmental delays, aphasia and other conditions requiring
augmentative communication. Our photo software is also a great
way to teach new words to ESL and special education students.
Featured Product
Visual Suite
Use our photo and interactive software to unlock the true
potential of visual learners. We have thousands of
photos that are ideal for teaching vocabulary and communication.
Our latest DVD, Visual Suite contains over 15, 000 images and 4 of
our most popular CD collections.